Recognize this man?

Sitting in services this morning, the above gentleman popped into my head. I've often wondered something about him, and realized that now that I have a test audience of a whole five or six people thanks to this blog, I could finally conduct the poll I've been waiting for. So, my question to you is: When you see him, do you say, "Hey, that's the dad from the Hogan family!" or "Hey, that's Jack McKay from 90210!" I have my answer, but I don't want to influence the results. Please submit your vote if you can. I also encourage theories as to what illness I may have that causes me to think of that guy (his name is Josh Taylor) as I'm saying shemoneh esrei.
The Yankees have posted apologies at the Legends Field box office to fans for the lack of A-Rod, Jeter, Damon, and Bernie while they're away at the WBC and reminding fans that they didn't support the WBC and encourage those dissatisfied to complain to MLB. That's great. I love that that Yankees didn't just stop at opposing the WBC, they've gone on to scorning it openly. Even though I don't care for the WBC either, I would be remiss if I didn't declare them assholes for doing this. It's just something I'm expected to do as a Mets fan.
Pokey Reese left Marlins camp with some undisclosed personal issue. That seems to be all the rage this offseason. Remember when Elaine didn't show up to dinner with Jerry, George, and Peterman, at which point Jerry made an excuse to get the hell out of there too? I think that's what's going on. "Hey, where are all the cool, good players? The WBC? Shit, are you serious? Man, I've got to get the hell out of here too...Hey, uh....I've got a....thing...yeah, that's it....a personal matter...yeah, gotta leave camp, but good luck with the whole thing there.....uh....ok, bye." (sound of slow, calm footsteps giving way to running and the sound of a car starting)
The answer is "no," I don't recognize him.
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