Friday, February 03, 2006

Tiger Stadium

Very quickly: Did anybody notice the article on ESPN about how Tiger Stadium is going to be used as some party location for the Super Bowl festivities? Strange, right? For those who don't know, there's a debate over whether to restore Tiger Stadium or tear it down. In the meantime, it sits in Detroit getting increasingly unstable structurally. I think this whole thing is a shame and emblematic of what's become of the Tigers. Just like their stadium, this is a once great franchise that is now nothing but an eyesore. Hell, it's emblematic of the entire city of Detroit. They didn't need to build Comerica Park to begin with, and it serves the Tigers right that they had trouble filling it up even halfway less than a year after it was built. But now that it exists they may as well embrace it, and deal with Tiger Stadium as a thing of the past. The Tigers and the city of Detroit should be looking towards the future, because the present is pretty unappealing for both of them, and the past won't do them any good.


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