Birthdays (yes, that's right)
Happy February 18th birthdays to a few ex-Mets. Shawn Estes turns 33. Kevin Tapani turns 42. And the best ex-Met? Jeff McKnight turns 43. Whenever I'm trying to name a player to highlight the immense suckiness of the early 90's Mets, I go to McKnight. The guy had longish mullet hair and a weak mustache - he looked like he belonged behind the counter of an auto parts store in Fayetville, Indina. And he wore glasses. Not cool Chris Sabo goggles. Glasses. You know you suck when you aren't planning to get enough playing time to make contact lenses a wise investment. Another nugget about McKnight is that he wore 5 different uniforms throughout his Mets career, more than any other Met (thank you - Mets by the numbers).
Ok, that's all we'll do for tonight. Boy, once those pitchers and catchers report there's just an overabundance of news, isn't there?
Ok, that's all we'll do for tonight. Boy, once those pitchers and catchers report there's just an overabundance of news, isn't there?
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